The following Delving Deeper sessions are led by a Collaborative Classroom consultant to support experienced teachers beyond the first year of implementation. Each session is 2 hours.
Delving Deeper with Being a Reader, Whole Group Reading (Grades K–2 or 3–5 )
In this session, participants experience a Being a Reader whole class reading lesson through the lens of facilitation, reconnect with the program design, and understand the importance of Individualized Daily Reading (IDR). In addition, program support for building independent work routines to start a school year is illuminated.
Delving Deeper with Being a Reader, Small-Group Reading Sets 1–6 (Grades K–2)
In this session, participants reflect on current small-group instruction and the instructional decisions that are made in Small-Group Reading Sets 1–6. In addition, participants will experience a small-group lesson and further explore supports and resources connected to small-group reading.
Delving Deeper with Being a Reader, Small-Group Reading Sets 7–12 (Grades 1–2)
In this session, participants reflect on current small-group instruction and the instructional decisions that are made in Small-Group Reading Sets 7–12. In addition, participants will explore what it means to be “Book Club Ready,” experience a small-group lesson, and learn to understand the support and resources connected to small-group reading.
Delving Deeper with Individualized Daily Reading (Grades 3–5)
In this session, participants will reflect on experiences with Individualized Daily Reading (IDR), including Independent Reading and Conferring, Small-Group Reading, and Book Clubs. They will explore IDR resources and examine resources available to support strategic decision-making within an IDR strand.